Youth Leadership

Youth Leadership

Leadership Development: The Boy Scout program encourages boys to learn and practice leadership skills. Every Boy Scout has the opportunity to participate in both shared and total leadership situations. Understanding the concepts of leadership helps a boy accept the leadership roles of others and guides him toward the citizenship aim of Scouting. 

Troop 12 is a boy led troop.

The boys “own” the troop and its success depends primarily on them. Therefore, our adult leaders will not do for a boy what he can do for himself. Except in cases where safety is jeopardized, we will let a boy-planned activity succeed or fail on its own merits.

Troop Patrols

The troop is divided into several patrols. Each patrol functions semi-independently on camp outs and is responsible for planning and preparing it’s own meals. Each patrol has a Patrol Leader selected by the scouts.

Patrol Leader Elections

Twice each season Troop 12 conducts Patrol Leader elections. Any Scout who holds the rank of First Class and above and who has completed the Troop 12 Junior Leader Training Course (JLTC) is eligible to run for Patrol Leader. The week prior to the elections, those interested in running will have an opportunity to announce their candidacy. On election night, each candidate must make a campaign speech prior to the balloting. Winners are announced immediately and the rest of the troop will have an opportunity to select which patrol they would like to join. The older junior leaders collate this information and try to honor each boy’s first or second choice while maintaining a balance of ranks and skills among the patrols.

Patrol Leader Training

Each year Troop 12 conducts a patrol leader training course to share the tools of leadership with current and potential Patrol Leaders. This is held during a campout planned specifically for this purpose. 

The instructors (members of the troop that have completed the week long Council JLTC), plan the training with the guidance of the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters. They cover subjects such as teaching, communicating, planning meetings, planning campfires, planning skill demonstrations, Patrol Leader duties, menu planning, etc. 

Various leadership subjects are also taught at the Patrol Leaders Council meetings.