The Boy Scouts of America, as one of the largest youth organizations in the world, has taken a leading position on the protection of children. Scouting has established a number of guidelines and training programs in order to take appropriate precautions for the protection of youth. Troop 12 fully endorses this program and lives by all rules and regulations by the Boy Scouts of America, some of which are: (1) Training of adult leaders in the recognition of signs of potential child abuse. (2) The mandatory requirement of reporting any suspected child abuse. (3) Requirement of two-deep leadership on all Scouting activities. (4) An extensive adult leader application process with approval by Troop Committee, sponsoring institution and local Council.
All committee members and troop leaders are required to participate in the Youth Protection Training held regularly during the year.
Scout parents must abide by BSA youth protection policies. All adults involved in the troop activities are required to take this training. In addition, before attending a camping trip with the troop, please ensure you are approved. It requires you taking the Youth Protection Training and filling a form with some personal details. The troop may bear the cost of this process. Please contact the Scout Master for more details.
You do not have to be a registered member of
the Boy Scouts of America to take Youth Protection training.