As parents, it is important to understand the Boy Scout program, encourage your son to take full advantage of it, and support the program’s methods.
What is most important is that all of our events be good learning experiences for the boys. If, on the most dismal trip, we hear a boy say, “We should have done it this way, not that way’” or, “We should have thought about that possibility before we left,” then it was a very successful event.
As a boy rises higher in rank and responsibility it is even more important that he attend troop meetings and campouts because it is the more experienced Scouts who plan and run these events.
New Members
Boys who are interested in joining the Troop are welcome at any Scout meeting for a visit. A new boy will be given a Scout application that must be filled out by the parents and the boy.
New Parents are encouraged to come and meet the leaders of the troop.
All parents are welcome at all troop meetings and Troop Committee meetings.
The annual dues are $140.00, which covers insurance, a subscription to “Boys’ Life” and registration with the Boy Scouts of America. This fee is waived for a boy “bridging over” from a Cub Pack.
A new Scout is encouraged to get a Boy Scout Handbook and a uniform as soon as possible (see section on uniforms).
To help support the Troop through the annual fundraising initiative it is suggested that each scout fund raise $300 in popcorn sales. This helps the Troop in various expenses throughout the year. Click Here to see more about Troop Finances.
The wearing of the Boy Scout uniform is an important part of Scouting in Troop 12. It encourages a sense of identity, fosters a feeling of belonging, and promotes the ideal of equality in the brotherhood of Scouting. Parents can find out more about uniform requirements and where they can be purchased in the Scout Uniforms & Equipment page.
Troop 12 strives for the safest and most accident-free possible events in all of our program areas but, sometimes, accidents do happen. Therefore, the troop purchases accident insurance for all registered Scouts and Scouters to cover them while attending any approved and supervised activities of the Boy Scouts of America. This insurance does have an “excess provision clause” which disallows expenses over $100.00 if any other insurance is available for a Scout or Scouter.
Troop Meetings: Troop 12 meets at Livingston Community Center, 204 Hillside Ave, Livingston, NJ every Thursday night during the school season.
- Opening Ceremony 7:30 P.M.
Please make sure your scout arrives, in uniform, prior to this time. Participation in the opening ceremony is an important scout tradition. - Closing and Announcements 9:00 P.M.
Parents should arrive prior this time to make sure they can pick up scouts on time. - Requirement sign-offs through 9:15 P.M.
Scouts often stay a short time after the meeting to get sign offs on rank requirements from senior scouts.
Attendance at troop meetings is very important, as it is here that many Scout skills are taught and plans are made for the monthly field events. If a boy attends only the campouts and not the weekly troop meetings, he will be ill prepared, as he will not have been part of the planning of the activities and the menu. He also will not have been of much help to his patrol in preparing for the campout.
Similarly, if a boy attends only the troop meetings and not the field events, he may find the meetings boring because he doesn’t see the final event that the Troop meetings are leading up to. He will also miss the opportunity to put into practice the skills that he is learning at the meetings. Besides, campouts are fun!
Generally, There are no regularly scheduled meetings on days when there is no school (school vacations, holidays, etc.). Usually, if school has been cancelled, there will be no Scout meeting
Troop 12 usually camps 10 weekends each year. The cost of a campout is usually $15.00 per person. This generally covers four meals plus any fees charged by the camp. Special campouts may cost more than the usual camping fee to cover the additional activity expense.
The Troop is always in need of adult drivers for camping. Please consider staying the full weekend as there should be approximately 6-7 adults staying overnight at all campouts. Scouting is a family activity.
Permission Slips
A permission slip with a parent’s signature is required on any troop activity taking place off the church property, even if a parent is attending the event. In case of a medical emergency, we carry a copy of each boy’s summer camp medical form on all our campouts and the permission slip authorizes treatment.