Scouts should be in proper uniform at all troop events including: meetings, campouts, and summer camp.

Each scout is responsible for bringing necessary equipment to meetings and camp outs. Proper equipment is necessary to complete activities and for the health and safety of the scouts


The uniform makes the troop visible as a force of good and creates a positive youth image in the community. Boy Scouting is an action program, and wearing the uniform is an action that shows each Boy Scout’s commitment to the aims and purposes of Scouting. The uniform gives the Boy Scout identity in the world brotherhood of youth that believes in the same ideals.

The uniform also provides a way for Boy Scouts to wear their badges that show what they have accomplished. Also, when wearing the uniform, a boy is more likely to act as a Scout should.

Class A Uniforms

Scouts wear Class A uniforms to all scout meetings and when traveling out of state. The Class A uniform is worn at summer camp for all meals.

FULL Class A including merit badge sash and green socks should be worn for all Scoutmaster conferences and boards of review.

Class B Uniforms

Scouts wear Class B uniforms during camp outs, while at summer camp, and whenever engaged in activities where a Class A uniform might be soiled or damaged.

Scouts must wear hiking boots for safety during all outdoor activities.

Uniforms can be purchased at these nearby scout shops…

Equipment (Checklists & Packing)

Scouts (and accompanying adults) should be properly equipped for all hikes, camp outs, and summer camp. Always consider the season and remember that weather can change without notice. It is particularly important to make sure your scout has a sleeping bag and clothing appropriate for winter camp outs.

Every scout should carry a personal first aid kit, with at minimum several bandaids of different sizes for personal use. The kit should be updated with the supplies needed to perform additional first aid skills as they are learned.

Purchasing Equipment

We recommend that clothing, footwear, and backpacks be purchased in person for proper fitting with experienced sales help.

  • Campmor provides a full range of camping and outdoor equipment for scouts and their families and can be worth the trip for major purchases or first time scouts.
  • REI is conveniently located on Rt. 10 in East Hanover.
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