Troop 12 Awards

Troop 12 confers unique awards upon Scouts who have demonstrated the outstanding qualities represented by each award.

Recommendations for award candidates are made by members of the Troop Committee (except the Scoutmaster and Committee Chairman) and parents who often participate in troop activities. These recommendations are based on their observations of the boys during the year. The Troop Committee, after questioning the Scoutmaster and Chairman on details of a Scout’s qualifications, then makes the final decision on the recipients.

Presentation of Awards

These awards are presented annually at our Troop Awards Dinner although, if the committee feels that no Scouts meet the requirements for a particular award, it will not be presented that year. Conversely, if more than one Scout is qualified for an award, more than one of a particular award may be presented. A certificate and/or a medal represent each award.

Award Qualifications

The following awards are unique to Troop 12, Livingston’s oldest Boy Scout Troop:

STEVEN AMRON AWARD Given in the memory of a deceased Troop 12 Eagle Scout, this award was instituted in 1964. It is presented to the Scout “…who best exemplifies the superior leadership qualities shown by Steven.” It was originally endowed by his parents and consists of a plaque and a medal.

ROBERT HENRY CARL AWARD This award is also given in memory of a Troop 12 Scout who died shortly after receiving his Eagle. The award was reactivated in 1999 with an endowment from his sister. The recipient’s name is inscribed on a plaque and he receives a grant to attend the Council’s National Youth Leadership Training program. Unlike the other awards, all members of the Troop Committee may propose candidates (based on the manner the original award was instituted in 1946). The recipients would be those who displayed the “…points of character so nobly displayed by Bob during his life, that is, conduct, courtesy, appearance, attendance, consideration of others, respect and reverence….”

ROBERT W. KEAN AWARD Given in memory of a co-founder of Troop 12, this award is presented to the Scout who shows overall excellence in Scouting. This includes attendance, advancement, and mastery of Scout skills. The award consists of a certificate signed by Thomas Kean and a medal.

JOHN POLLOCK AWARD Given in the memory of a co-founder and the first Scoutmaster (in 1926) of Troop 12 and it is conferred upon those who display good citizenship. Unlike the other awards, this one is not given for a boy’s Scouting activity but rather his involvement and service in the community while still contributing to the troop.

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