Communications with the Troop

Parents will contact the troop through the Scoutmaster or Chairperson. Troop 12 encourages parents to participate in weekly troop meetings and monthly committee meetings to stay informed regarding all troop activities.

Troop Emails

Parents will receive regular emails from the troop containing important information regarding activities including important attachments such as health forms and permission forms. Read all emails upon receipt to make sure your scout doesn’t miss out. If you have questions, come to the meetings.

Limited Phone Service on Campouts

During some activities, the troop may be operating in areas with poor or no cell phone reception. Please understand that as a result, communications may be limited and responses delayed. While it is quite understandable a parent may miss their child and like frequent updates, this is not always possible.

If adults at a scouting event need to intervene for the health and safety of a scout, they will call parents after the situation has been stabilized and may not be able to take parent calls before the situation is under control.

Issue Resolution

This is a youth led troop. During all scouting activities, the scouts have the lead in managing troop activities, resolving interpersonal issues, and even dealing with basic health and safety issues like hygiene and first aid in the field.

Adult leaders will leaders will support youth leadership whenever possible while maintaining appropriate supervision for the health and safety of youth.

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What’s up with WhatsApp?

The troop is aware that there is a Troop 12 parent’s WhatsApp chat group. Adult leaders will not receive messages sent through the app or any other social media platform.

WhatsApp and social media should never be used to communicate any personal or emergency information as this may violate privacy and safety rules.

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